
Pretty Petty’s Poem for the Disabled

Hello Pretty Pets, how are you doing?

If you want to know more about handicapped, Amanda wrote a very powerful paper about “Being Handicapped”. Just click on this link: In 2001, Amanda discovered poetry by an accident.

This is a bit different tone from the others. It’s about a disabled person’s very raw feelings about getting pick on. I have been picking on before and still being pick on. Yes, yours truly is still being bulled. Just because I’m an adult, bullying won’t stop. Do you know why? One, simple word; misunderstood. They judge on the outside. Enjoy.

A Black Sky
By-Amanda D. Petty

Laughed at my wheelchair,
Scared of my impaired speech.
Ran away from my “hook” hand.

Confusion on my heart.
Rain floods my eyes.
Breaking soul,
Demolish my spirit.
Hurting each time, I see you.

Pointed fingers,
Derided words,
Abominate towards me.

Sorrow fills me,
Doldrums holds me,
Vilest language harm my mind,
Lacerating my self-esteem,
Perish into a black sky.

An Uplifting: We truly want to thank you for reading this. We’re promising, we do know how you truly feel. It will get better, don’t give up. We know some days are bad: physical or emotional or both. On those days, you want to die. We know that firsthand; what help us the most is God. We hope this issue will help you. Just don’t give up. Heavenly Father knows your pains; maybe that’s why we’re here, giving you strength for a new hour. My friend, we really do know how you feel.