Pretty Petty’s Poem for the Disabled
Hello Pretty Pets, how are you doing?
Let us introduced ourselves: we’re Amanda D. Petty, Eric Brown, Anna Shepherd, and James W. Hill, and we’re poets. This is a very special issue or version that we’re doing. Eric, James, and I are disabled or handicapped too. If you want to know more about us, Amanda wrote a very powerful paper about “Being Handicapped”. Just click on this link: In 2001, Amanda discovered poetry by an accident. In 2012, she thought of creating an online business: “Pretty Petty Poetry”. This version is a part of our business. Eric is taking over this issue.
My Jail Cell
By-Amanda D. Petty
Four tires, cruising around the house.
“Freedom, what is it?” I asked myself.
Speech impairment, I use a computer.
Sitting all day, pain I know well.
Praying for a way out, no one comes.
Darkness, doubts, fears, pulls me in their room.
Holding me a hostage, silent screams.
No human ears noticed my yells.
“God, get me out.” I plead over again.
A phony smile appears; while a friend talks.
Hidden tears, invincible scars on my heart.
Weak, weary body tries to be strong.
My jail call.
An Uplifting: We truly want to thank you for reading this. We’re promising, we do know how you truly feel. It will get better, don’t give up. We know some days are bad: physical or emotional or both. On those days, you want to die. We know that firsthand; what help us the most is God. We hope this issue will help you. Just don’t give up. Heavenly Father knows your pains; maybe that’s why we’re here, giving you strength for a new hour. We have a song for you; My friend, we really do know how you feel.